I'm Making a List

School's out.  There's a lot to do during these precious summer days.

Right now I am looking at my summer to-do list. Of course, there are more things on there that I will ever manage to finish in the two months that I have. But it does help my focus and keeps me somewhat on task. Today I am headed outside since it looks to be cool for a little while longer anyway.

But one thing I always need to remember is that my list is made for me. I am not made for the list. And when August 15 rolls around, if there are things left undone the world will not end.

Some things I will decide I don't care that much about anyway. And sometimes God changes my list for me. He puts people and happenings in front of me that I cannot easily ignore. He sends rain when I plan to work in the yard. The phone rings and someone is in need. And so I make choices. Is it more important to give someone a ride or to weed my flower bed? Is it more important to listen than to clean out a closet?

I want to please God in the choices I make for each day. And when I please God, generally I have pleased myself as well. And if the list doesn't get touched, that is just okay.

Maybe I need to rewrite that list anyway.

1.  God first.  Always.
2.  Everything else

"Finally, brothers, we instructed you how to live in order to please God; as in fact you are living.  Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more."  1 Thessalonians 4:1, 2


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