Now I Know My ABC's
Over at baby school, we spend a lot of time on the alphabet. After all, it is really the foundation of all academic learning. Of course, just being able to sing the ABC song does not really mean that you are able to take those letters and turn them into words and sentences and paragraphs and books.
It is so amazing to watch a child who has figured it out. When they can first read, their eyes and faces light up in excitement. Something that has only belonged to big people before now belongs to them.
But it is so hard to watch the children that just cannot get it. They struggle with what seem to us the most basic and easy of concepts. Their frustration becomes our frustration. Some of them will turn out to be dyslexic or to have some sort of a learning disability. But that doesn't mean their situation is hopeless. It just means their road may not be quite as smooth or as straight.
When Jesus (and as the Word, he is the authority on all things alphabet related) proclaims that he is the Alpha and the Omega, he is proclaiming that he is everything from A to Z. There is nothing that is not contained in him. He is everything.
The beginning and the end.
Everything we know.
Everything we need.
And yet sometimes, I just don't get it. I struggle and become frustrated. What seems so easy for others seems like Greek to me.
Maybe I have spiritual dyslexia.
But just like those children, it doesn't mean I can't get where I am going. It just may take a little longer. After all, I have everything I need.
"I am the Alpha and the Omega..." Revelation 1:8
"In the beginning was the Word..." John 1:1
It is so amazing to watch a child who has figured it out. When they can first read, their eyes and faces light up in excitement. Something that has only belonged to big people before now belongs to them.
But it is so hard to watch the children that just cannot get it. They struggle with what seem to us the most basic and easy of concepts. Their frustration becomes our frustration. Some of them will turn out to be dyslexic or to have some sort of a learning disability. But that doesn't mean their situation is hopeless. It just means their road may not be quite as smooth or as straight.
When Jesus (and as the Word, he is the authority on all things alphabet related) proclaims that he is the Alpha and the Omega, he is proclaiming that he is everything from A to Z. There is nothing that is not contained in him. He is everything.
The beginning and the end.
Everything we know.
Everything we need.
And yet sometimes, I just don't get it. I struggle and become frustrated. What seems so easy for others seems like Greek to me.
Maybe I have spiritual dyslexia.
But just like those children, it doesn't mean I can't get where I am going. It just may take a little longer. After all, I have everything I need.
"I am the Alpha and the Omega..." Revelation 1:8
"In the beginning was the Word..." John 1:1
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