Yesterday we spent a fair amount of time sitting at the Genius Bar. Tim's computer needed some TLC, and so we took it in for a bit of repair.
If you aren't a Mac lover, you may not know that Apple calls its service counter the Genius Bar. And each technician wears a badge that says "Genius" above his/her name.
Wouldn't it be cool if when you went to work you got to put on a tag that said "Genius" in big, bold letters? I wish I had requested that on my school ID badge.
Or how about if you were filling out a form and when you came to the line for occupation you could write "Genius?"
I like it.
But Jesus offers us something even better.
Write this as your occupation next time. It beats "Genius" hands down.
"...he has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father..." Revelation 1:6
If you aren't a Mac lover, you may not know that Apple calls its service counter the Genius Bar. And each technician wears a badge that says "Genius" above his/her name.
Wouldn't it be cool if when you went to work you got to put on a tag that said "Genius" in big, bold letters? I wish I had requested that on my school ID badge.
Or how about if you were filling out a form and when you came to the line for occupation you could write "Genius?"
I like it.
But Jesus offers us something even better.
Write this as your occupation next time. It beats "Genius" hands down.
"...he has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father..." Revelation 1:6
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