Teacher Appreciation

Last week was teacher appreciation.  We got a gift for every day.  And they were good gifts.  Lunch from Jason's Deli.  Gift cards.  Chocolate.  T-shirts.  We all felt very appreciated.  Being thanked is just such a great thing.

1st Thessalonians is a short book that is packed full of great truths.  This little letter was sent to the church in Thessalonica from Paul, Silas, and Timothy.  (I do hope that Silas and Timothy won't be offended if I just use Paul's name from now on.)

Listen to their opening words.

"We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers."

Paul knew the value found in thanking people, too.

So do I.

I'm just not so good at doing it.  I have good intentions, but my follow-through is not always great.  But people don't know that I am saying "thank you" with my heart unless I actually say it with my mouth.  And there are so many that deserve my appreciation.  There are so many that need to hear the words.

But there is a deeper dimension to Paul's thanks.


He thanked God for them.

And I thank God for all of you.  I thank him for your friendship and love.  I thank him for your examples of faithfulness.  I thank him for the blessing each one of you brings to my life.

And now, you'll have to excuse me.  I have a lot more thanking to do.

(Happy Birthday, Robyn!  I miss you much.)


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