I Would Vote for You If...

I am so tired.

Politics are sucking the very life from me.

I have a feeling there may not be a politician anywhere who will act on this, but maybe the rest of us will. After all, any movement has to start somewhere.

Therefore, in the spirit of David Letterman and Kid President, here is my top ten list of ways to change the world (and get my vote).

Starting with number 10:

10. No more time changes. Pick one and stick with it. The fall back and spring forward thing is such a hassle. Apparently whoever came up with this idea did not have small children. (Thanks to Shelby for this one.)

9. Say you are sorry and mean it. "I'm sorry if I offended you," is not an apology. It says that you are way too sensitive and it is your own fault if you took offense.

8. Laugh more. Laughing at yourself would be a good place to start. You are pretty funny sometimes.

7. Be respectful of the way you talk to and about other people. Didn't your mother teach you that if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all?

6. Take care of the littles in this world. That means children don't go to bed hungry. That they have a place to live. That they are well-treated when they are ill. That they are well educated. That the foster care system is a high priority. It is time that someone stood up for the little ones.

5. Be a sheep in a world of goats. (If you don't know what this means, check out Matthew 25:31-46.)

4. Don't use the Bible to hit people up the side of the head. Please feel free to take that both literally and figuratively. Instead, use the Bible wisely and carefully. It should never be the justification for mistreating people.

3. Clean up after yourself. That does not mean to throw your trash in my ditch. Seriously, people! And yes, sometimes we have to clean up after our actions or words have made a mess.

2. You are not God. Don't act like you are.

And finally...

1. Treat other people the way you want to be treated. As I tell my little Sunday School kids, this one is Jesus' rule. If you don't like it, take it up with him. Can you imagine how our world would change if more of us embraced this idea? Jesus was the original radical.

Now, with a shout out to Kid President, everybody dance!


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