About a Child

I don't pretend to have answers to any of the big questions that seem to have taken over our country in the past few weeks. Immigration and the border seem to have eclipsed most other topics. I really don't know how best any of these problems should be answered, but solutions certainly don't come easily.

But this is what I do know. I am a mother and a grandmother. I teach children in school and in Bible class. My life revolves around children.

And all I can see in the midst of the rhetoric and politics are the children.

Children who are scared and afraid. Children who have been mistreated. Children who are on buses surrounded by screaming adults.

God's precious children.

I don't care where they were born or how they came to be here.

They are still God's children.

And I am asking that you join me in praying for them.

Prayers for comfort. Prayers for safety. Prayers for kind voices and gentle hands. 

Surely we can all agree on that.


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