Blood Borne Pathogens

The great state of Texas requires that educators take a number of online courses in order to be in compliance. Since I am quite the procrastinator, I am just getting around to doing what has to be done by the end of the month.

Yesterday, I spent an hour on "Blood Borne Pathogens." Hepatitis (and all the letters of the alphabet that seem to go along with that.)  HIV. Afterwards, I washed my hands. I went to the grocery store and sanitized the handle on the cart. Then I came home and washed my hands again.

The irony is that human blood carries disease yet it also carries life. We get calls every couple of months from Carter Bloodcare reminding (begging) us to come donate blood. Those little bags of blood are life-saving. Maybe we should be required to have a class on Blood Borne Healing.

Or possibly Blood Borne Salvation.

For without the blood of Jesus, where would any of us be?


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