
I have had a head-on collision with Jesus, and now my life is wrecked.

If I had paid better attention to what was happening around me, I might could have gotten out of his way. Instead, I stepped directly into his path.

All my life he has whispered words into my ears. I have loved his words and found in them a place of comfort and refuge. He has held my hands and drawn me close to him. My life has revolved around the rhythm of his grace.

But he also whispered words that were not nearly so comforting. Words calling me to take care of the poor and the foreigner and the unloved. The words told stories of rich young rulers, Good Samaritans, and early Christians who sold their possessions to take care of each other. I read how he dined with sinners and how he called the little children to him. He lived his life among the outcasts of this world. I told those stories to children and pretended like I was actually doing what his words called me to do.

And then came the crash.

There is so much more to this story of mine, this story of Jesus'. But it will have to wait.

I have a plane ticket to Ghana on Wednesday. This trip will be hot and dusty and difficult in many ways. I also hear that the traffic is frightening and dangerous.

I had best buckle up. A collision is likely.

"He will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'"  Matthew 25:45


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