Old Year/New Year

What a crazy year.

It seems that sorrow and grief have knocked at the door all too often. Illness seems to have camped on the family doorstep.

But joy, in all its exuberance, has pushed sorrow and grief out of the way time and time again.

A wedding. What joy to welcome a sweet new daughter into our family. (Son's happiness is a pleasure to behold.)

A birth. No one could possibly have sweeter or cuter grandbabies than mine. (I know you may think yours are cuter, but you are wrong.)

A move. Daughter and family have moved back home. (And after months of remodeling work, they are living in the old family farmhouse.)

A dog. Coach is keeping things busy at son and daughter-in-law's house. (Okay, I know it's just a dog. But he is mighty cute. After we compare grandbabies, maybe we should compare puppies.)

2014 is likely to bring its own brand of craziness. There will certainly be sorrows. But there will also be joys.

My prayer for you this year is that your joys will be greater than your sorrows. May you have more laughter than tears. And whether your day holds joy or sorrow, may you never let go of the Father's hand.


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